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Become a Supporter

Becoming a Supporter at Milton Keynes Arts Centre could look like any of the below. If you'd like to consider supporting us, we'd love to speak to you about how your support might take shape.

  1. Financial Support: One of the most common ways to become a supporter is through financial contributions. This can include one-time donations, regular contributions, or establishing a recurring donation plan. You can set up a regular or one-time donation through DonorBox, here.
  2. Sponsorship: Supporters may choose to sponsor specific programmes or events organised by our charity. This could involve providing financial support for artist fees or the production costs associated with the sponsored initiative
  3. Legacy Giving: This could involve making a bequest in a will, donating appreciated assets such as stocks or real estate, or establishing a charitable trust or endowment fund.
  4. Volunteering: While not directly financial, volunteering time and expertise can be invaluable. Supporters may offer their skills in areas such as IT, fundraising, marketing, or serving on advisory boards or committees.
  5. In-Kind Donations: In addition to monetary contributions, supporters may donate goods or services that are beneficial. This could include professional services (such as legal or accounting), or venue space for events.
  6. Advocacy: Supporters can serve as ambassadors for our arts charity, advocating for our mission and programmes within your personal and professional networks. By raising awareness and generating support, you help expand our organisation's reach and impact.
  7. Collaborative Projects: Supporters may collaborate with our arts charity on special projects or initiatives, leveraging your resources, networks, and expertise to further our organisation's goals. This could involve co-hosting events, facilitating partnerships, or providing mentorship to emerging artists.

If you would like to discuss any of the above ways to support Milton Keynes Arts Centre, please get in touch by emailing or calling us on 01908 608108

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